Our Shops
These shops make everything possible!
Located at 705 11th Ave. East
Kindersley, SK
Located at 705 11th Ave. East
Kindersley, SK
These shops make everything possible!
Everything you need all in one convenient location!
Stop by and we’ll be happy to help you find what you need 🙂
We are located at 705 11th ave east Kindersley, Sask.
Murray Dunn: murray.dunn@sasktel.net
Jeff Soveran: jeff@jem-cws.ca
Eugene Hritzuk: eugene.hritzuk@icrcommercial.com | 1 (306) 241 3443
705 11th Avenue East
Kindersley, SK
S0L 1S0
General Inquiries
Murray Dunn:
Jeff Soveran: jeff@jem-cws.ca
Leasing Inquiries
Eugene Hritzuk:
1 (306) 241 3443